I am a Relationship Mentor and I teach the practice of unconditional self-love through self-observation and self-reflection, owning our feelings and communicating consciously. Through these practices, we can build a solid self-loving foundation upon which we can develop loving and respectful relationships. I provide single sessions and multi-week programmes for businesses/communities and individuals, in person or online with people around the world.
I am passionate about sharing what I have learned, practice and teach in my ‘Amazing Me Amazing You’ podcasts and on my Instagram page @amazingmeamazingyou.
I live in the beautiful south coast of Ireland.
✨Hello ✨I haven’t been here on the grid in a while, as I’ve been enjoying posting IG stories, but this morning I couldn’t record my morning video as my phone storage was full! I do love to take photos & videos, every day 😂 so I now have thousands on my phone to be cleared!!! So here’s what I was going to share on my story this morning:
✨One of the wonderful lessons I learned during my 4-year Relationship Studies, that has greatly helped me in my relationships is:
✨When I’m judging or criticising someone’s behaviour (either in my head or with words) I have stopped listening, and I have stopped trying to understand how they may be feeling. My compassion has gone out the window.
✨I have learned that all behaviours make sense and when we take a moment to listen without judgment, and simply listen to understand, or even wonder with a gentle curiosity, what might be the wisdom behind their behaviour, our relationships soften, deepen & heal.
✨What do you think?
✨Can we judge and criticise someone while still being compassionate?
✨#compassion #curiosity #relationships #relationshipmentor
✨ When I’m feeling angry or frustrated, I have two choices:
✨1. Point my finger and blame you for ‘making’ me feel angry or frustrated. Replay in my head, over and over, what you did ‘wrong’. I them stay stuck with that feeling while I wait for you to apologise and ‘make’ me feel better.
✨2. Own my feelings as my wise creation. Ask myself what are my unmet needs & how can I take loving action for myself, often by creating a loving firm boundary for me.
✨ @amazingmeamazingyou PODCASTS available on all platforms
#selfove #selfawareness #owningourfeelings #boundaries #allfeelingsmakesense #feelings #wisdom #communication #conversation #words #choosewordswisely #love #loveyourself #family #wellbeing #wellness #emotionalwellbeing #relationships #relationshipmentor #parentmentor #cork #ireland #onlinecounsellor #onlinecounselling #amazingmeamazingyou
✨ I am delighted to be sharing with you my latest PODCAST, in which I speak with the gorgeous Louise George @yoga_with_louise
✨ Louise is a yoga teacher, counsellor and founder of ‘Douglas Yoga Centre’, ‘Yoga Connected’ and ‘Counselling Connected’.
✨Louise speaks openly and honestly of the journey that has brought her to where she is today, including some of her early experiences of anorexia (“denying my needs”) and bulimia (“trying to fill my endless needs”) and her later experience of hyper-ventilation syndrome which she believes was “stuck grief”.
✨Steph and Louise speak about, how from a young age, we often learn to wear masks and hide our ‘uncomfortable’ feelings and yet there is a huge need to shine a light on how we’re feeling without blaming or shaming ourselves.
✨Louise also speaks about the powerful role of the Vagus Nerve, in helping us feel calmer, and shares how we can stimulate our Vagus Nerve through some simple everyday practices.
✨Louise’s passion for her work and her vast wealth of knowledge shine throughout our conversation.
✨I loved every minute ✨
✨Link in Bio
#irishpodcast #mentalhealth #selfawareness #wellbeing #selflove #community #connection #relationshipcounselling #relationships #selfcompassion #vagusnerve #relationshipmentor #corkireland
✨Communication is at the heart of our relationships.
✨The words we choose to speak to one another have the power to harm or deepen our relationships with our loved ones.
✨When we have different points of view, we have a choice in how we communicate our differences.
✨I might say ... ‘You’re wrong’ or ‘I disagree with you’, ... but both these remarks suggest ‘I’m right’ & ‘I know better than you’ & both remarks often lead to the other person feeling judged, criticised or disregarded.
✨However, when we respond with an ‘I’ message, for example, ‘I see it differently’, we communicate respect & acceptance that we have different viewpoints. Our goal isn’t to try to convince the other person to see things our way. Instead we are communicating our interest in hearing & understanding how they feel while also sharing how we feel.
✨I see you. I hear you. I see things differently. Our words make a world of difference.
@amazingmeamazingyou PODCASTS available on all platforms
#selfove #selfawareness #owningourfeelings #allfeelingsmakesense #feelings #wisdom #communication #conversation #words #choosewordswisely #love #loveyourself #family #wellbeing #wellness #emotionalwellbeing #relationships #relationshipmentor #parentmentor #cork #ireland #amazingmeamazingyou
Labels, even the ‘good’ ones, often put pressure on us to perform or conform to others’ expectations.
✨What are the LABELS you might have for yourself?
✨Take a moment to think of 3 words or expressions you would use to describe yourself?
✨Now ask yourself, are these expressions kind and loving?
✨Or are they full of judgement and criticism?
✨”I’m super-independent” was one of my many labels. I believed this was a ‘good’ label. I was proud of it!
✨However, this label also boxed me in, preventing me from ever feeling comfortable asking for help, for many years, even when some little help would have massively lightened my load!
✨Take a moment to think about one label you may have for yourself, and consider how you can be gentler and kinder with yourself, around this label today?
✨In Today’s RELATIONSHIP WELLBEING NEWSLETTER , I share some more examples of my past LABELS & how they restricted me from fully expressing myself. Sign up via link in bio or dm me with your email address to receive today’s & future newsletters.
✨Wishing you a peaceful self-loving day.
#selflove #selfcare #selfawareness #selfcriticism #label #selfkindness #lovingourselves #selfcompassion #relationshipmentor #parentmentor #irishpodcaster #newsletter #relationshipwellness #cork
✨When I’m feeling worried or fearful about what might happen in the future, I miss the moment I’m in.
✨However, I have learned that when I try to ignore or minimise or criticise my worries, they don’t magically go away, they remain simmering just below the surface, and I continue to feel the worry or fear in my belly, and therefore I’m still missing being fully present in the moment I’m in.
✨So nowadays, I TRY to sit with my worries and fears ... just sitting still with them, even for a few minutes, usually brings a softness to them.
✨Finding somewhere quiet and comfy, consciously lowering my shoulders and relaxing my face, softening my jaw and connecting my feet with the ground.
✨Giving myself permission to feel all my feelings.
✨Whatever comes up for me, just allowing it with kindness and gentleness.
✨If tears come, allow them and see them as a natural release of any tension I may be holding.
✨No judgement. No trying to ‘figure’ them out or get rid of them, just allowing myself feel all my feelings.
✨They are my wisdom and are deserving of my loving, tender attention.💕
✨Wishing you a beautiful, peaceful day.
#feeling #feelmyfeelings #selflove #selfawareness #noticing #sitinstillness #kindness #selfcompassion #relationships #parentmentor #relationshipmentor #corkcounselling
✨ A little about me 😊
✨Hi, my name is Steph & I am a Parent and Relationship Mentor
✨15 years ago I signed up for a Parenting course, only realising on day 1 that I had signed up for a ReParenting Course! I had no idea what reparenting meant, but I felt too embarrassed to leave, which turned out to be good thing, because I was so fascinated that first morning, it led to my return to college to complete the 4-year HDip in Relationship Studies.
✨It changed how I saw the world, how I communicated and how I related with everyone in my life, including myself.
✨As a mentor, I guide and support people in creating healthier, more loving relationships in every aspect of their lives. I love my work ❤️
✨I also worked in training and development, communications and relationships for many years as a business graduate.
✨I am a yoga teacher and love teaching, especially outdoors.🌲
✨I am a mum of 4 and (without a hint of bias) they are amazing 😃💕
✨Favourite colour: blue … blue shoes, blue bike and my kitchen wall is painted blue too💙
✨Favourite book: ‘The Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron
✨Favourite flower: sweet-pea
✨Favourite midnight snack: weetabix with cold milk😃
✨Any questions?
✨I’d love to hear a little about you too 💕🙏
✨Wishing you a beautiful peaceful day ✨
#aboutme #myfavourite #parentmentor #relationshipmentor #yogateacher #yogacork #irishpodcaster #cork #ireland
Louise George is Steph’s guest in this podcast. Louise speaks openly and honestly of the journey that has brought her to where she is today, including some of her early experiences of anorexia and bulimia and her later experience of hyper-ventilation syndrome. Steph and Louise speak about, how from a young age, we often learn to wear masks and hide our ‘uncomfortable’ feelings and yet there is a huge need to shine a light on how we’re feeling without blaming or shaming ourselves. Louise also speaks about the powerful role of the Vagus Nerve, in helping us feel calmer.
In this conversation, Steph speaks with the wonderfully talented Emily Nayhree Dawson, an Irish original art & fashion designer. Emily shares her extraordinary story from growing up in inner city Dublin, painting on the walls of her mobile home in the Dublin mountains, living in abandoned buildings, to becoming a celebrated fashion designer featuring in New York fashion week, and having 10 shows in America in the last couple of years. This is an incredible story of creativity, resilience and overcoming adversity. This is Emily’s story.
In this podcast Steph and Lucy share some of the incredibly challenging and also life-changing lessons they learned and continue to practice, on their journey to living more consciously, following the Relationship Studies programme they both completed in UCC. They are both parents of 4 children and they share how the challenges of parenting continue to change as their children grow up and how choosing to parent with trust instead of fear is an ongoing practice. They speak about the self-care practices they have in their own lives, including journalling, self-observation and paying attention to their breath as well as trusting how their body is feeling.
Group Yoga Class -1 hour & 15 minute group classes, booking essential €15 in studio or Zoom €10 Every Friday 9.15am to 10.30am at the Douglas Yoga Centre Maryborough Woods During our group yoga practice, I will guide you in a flow of beautifully nourishing yoga moves, in harmony with our breath. A gorgeous hour […]
Six-week Group Programme ‘Relationship Wellbeing’ – Developing a more loving relationship with myself and others – 6 x 2-hour group workshops (over 6 weeks) €360 During this Programme of 6 x 2-hour weekly workshops (next commencing September 2020), we will dive deep into the relationship you have with yourself & others, including: • how you […]
Group Yoga Class -1 hour & 15 minute group classes, booking essential €15 in studio or Zoom €10 Every Friday 9.15am to 10.30am at the Douglas Yoga Centre Maryborough Woods During our group yoga practice, I will guide you in a flow of beautifully nourishing yoga moves, in harmony with our breath. A gorgeous hour […]
Six-week Group Programme ‘Relationship Wellbeing’ – Developing a more loving relationship with myself and others – 6 x 2-hour group workshops (over 6 weeks) €360 During this Programme of 6 x 2-hour weekly workshops (next commencing September 2020), we will dive deep into the relationship you have with yourself & others, including: • how you […]