Post by : Steph O'Flynn | Post on : September 12, 2020 at 1:36 am

Amazing Me Amazing You
Amazing Me Amazing You
009 - Conversation with Bree

This podcast is about an amazing self-healing journey shared by the beautiful Bree Bellefeuille of the Self-Healer’s podcast. Bree, from Arizona, was far removed from a place of self-love 3 years ago and was instead in a place of having no love for herself.  However, in the past 3 years, Bree has transformed her relationship with herself and all her relationships including the relationships she found most challenging. Bree shares with us the amazing self-care tools and techniques she has experienced and still practises as part of her incredible self-healing journey. These include her extraordinary Ayahuasca experiences, affirmations, yoga, reiki, meditation, boundaries, inner child work, breathwork, ho’oponopono and sound healing.  During the podcast Bree references:

‘Recovery Elevator’ Podcast

‘Café RE’ online recovery group

Hip Sobriety School, holistic approach to recovery

‘Loving what is’, Byron Katie

Heal, a Netflix documentary

Ayahuasca experience in Rhythmia Life Advancement Centre

Pushing Beauty Breathwork

What a privilege  to hear Bree share her inspiring journey back to self-love.